Friday 22 May 2020

Immunity Health Effect


                  Immunity And Health  Effects                                                             

Immunity Health Effect
Immunity  And  Health 

Yes, friends

What is the  Immunity  System  Function?

Today you must be thinking about what is this Immunity, and what it needs to the human body. You are thinking right. . Friends…  the human body is nothing without the power of Immunity,  The human body is very much required or needed the immunity power more than the medicines which are being used by human being for his fitness or during the illness period. It depends on human beings how to maintain this Immunity Power, or how can be it maintain in the human body.

Nowadays there is a flu called coronavirus which is spreading all over the world and has taken a terrible form and no medicine /treatment of this virus has been made so far, yet most of the affected people are being recovered from such Coronavirus/disease.    Why and how this is happening, friends, there is only one power behind it which is working. Its name is Immunity Power i.e. the immunity which is working continuously inside the human body.
Immunity and body
Immunity Power

Do you know that every human body has the ability to fight against every disease and infection, that is, an energetic power, it is not a physical power, this energetic power is called immunity  power, which is also called Stamina as per medical value. this is in the form of bacteria/cells in the blood of the human body.  There is a relation between Immunity power which  boost the  blood, and then blood energizes the human body, just like the

example of:-

 ("Torch" Flashlight which is being used in an emergency at night time in a house or anywhere that burns / Flashlights with the help of one or more cells, if the same cell may be removed from the torch, then the same burning torch will stop working. Will die ".

  Or there is another example like

"our daily use mobile, laptop, Computer  which are being used every movement by us daily without fail, Or we are playing on them for getting our required data through FaceBook, Google, and so on others, what kind of power is being worked therein  which supply us  so required data  i.e. only net frequency/ power.  They are getting this net frequency power only from  Net Towers, when the net supply stops from the towers, then our same mobiles, laptops and computers stop their work." )

     Exactly the same Immunity System function is working with this immunity and the Human body. The blood which is circulated in the human body gets the power, energy,  or can say current from these bacteria/cells is called immunity power. So that our body has the strength/ability to fight any type of virus, disease, and shuns that virus and disease away from the body. This is the same immunity power that has saved most of the people from the Corona Virus. Now it comes to those who are dying, do they not have immunity? Immunity is also among those who died, immunity  Inflammation in Health and Disease but they will have very low immunity power in their body.  So those people whose Immunity power is at a low level, they always feeling weakness in their body, and their body gets become sick very quickly, and also infected very soon with any type of virus or he is often not able to cope with the disease.

People whose immunity power is stronger it's mean the bacteria/cell in their blood is strong/powerful, they have an energetic power which also protects them from dangerous diseases like heart attack, kidney, cancer. And so on others. Now we will try to know that when our blood bacteria/cells have so much power, then how to keep this immunity power  energizing it and how to maintain it, so that the blood bacteria /Cells remains more powerful so that our body can fight against every disease.  So now let us go and see the same granny's - grandmother's and mother's Aryuvedic dispensary and see today what  kind of  green vegetable,  fruits,  and ayurvedic issues to increase our immunity power.,

Health  Tips  For  Immunity 

Reasons for reducing Immunity Power:

1) Tensions

Tensions destroy the immunity of the human body, because of you must have seen when someone  Become facing a problem, then he will keep thinking all the time, which causes many diseases, Such as headache, low or high blood pressure, the onset of stomach diseases, loss of appetite
  Due to these reasons, the human body's immunity power capacity is reduced or reduced.

2) Lack of sleep: - Lack of sound and complete sleep also reduces immunity.

3)  Coffee or tea also one cause of low  immunity

4) Smoking and alcohol also reduces immunity

5) Taking more and additional medicines also end immunity.

Along with daily eating and drinking, we exercise to increase immunity.
  Let's pay even more attention.

A)  Body Exercises/ yoga

1)Must Morning Walk depend on your capacity

Immunity Power and Health,Immunity Health Effects
Immune  System  Booster 


2) Physical exercise, so exercise should be done for mild exercise like in childhood  used to do school life, it will increase our immunity power, by exercising the body
Neutrophils are very helpful in functioning, Neutrophils are cells that are used in the body, Works to kill dangerous microorganisms.

Immunity Power, Immunity Health Effects
 Exercising  Boosting  Immunity 

B) Laugh:

Laughing is considered very beneficial, and it produces positive energy
Which helps a lot off in increasing Immunity Power.

C) Immunity  Booster Foods 
 Green Vegetables and pulses should be consumed for increasing Immunity power
Spinach, carrots, radish, tomatoes, green vegetables, turnip, ghee, fenugreek, cucumber
Ginger, garlic, lemon,

Immunity and Health
Immunity  Booster Foods 

D) Fresh fruits and juice should be consumed Immunity  Booster  Fruits

Orange, Banana, Seasonal, Papaya, Guava, Chiku, Tangerine grape, Pomegranate,
Beet juice

Immunity Power and Health, Immunity Health Effects
Immunity Power booster

Juicing  for  Immunity  Health 

Immunity Booster Juice, Immunity and Health
Immunity   Booster  Juice 

Orange juice, seasonal cashew pomegranate juice, coconut water

E) You should use such Natural Remedies  For Immunity Health   as  called   spices  in food which will help increase immunity power and will also bring taste in food: such as:
Immunity Health Effects, Immunity Power
Immunity  Booster For   Health 

Cinnamon, cumin, celery, asafetida, long, coriander, fenugreek seeds, mustard seeds, ginger, garlic, should be used:

G) Boil cumin and celery water by mixing one spoon of honey and drinking it will boost immunity power

There  are  also  some Immunity Health  Supplements  are  being  used nowadays 

1)     Vitamin-C
2)     Vitamin-D
3)     Vitamin-A
4)      Iron
6)      Carbohitrade
7)       minerals
Immunity and Health, Immunity Health Effects
Immunity  Booster  Drinks 

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